Changing Behavior of Exponential Functions

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GR. 9-12


Describe the intervals for which a function is increasing or decreasing.

Changing Behavior of Exponential Functions

Discover what it means for the graph of an exponential function to be increasing or decreasing.

Putting It All Together

Answer these open ended questions on your own or with others to form deeper math connections.

Open-ended question 1

Move the slider to choose a base value close to 0. Over what range of multiplier values and over what interval is the graph increasing? Decreasing?

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Open-ended question 2

Move the slider to choose a base value further from 0. Over what range of multiplier values and over what interval is the graph increasing? Decreasing?

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Open-ended question 3

Over what interval does an exponential function appear constant? Is it ever truly constant? Why or why not?

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Open-ended question 4

Can an exponential function change direction? If yes, does that mean an exponential can be both increasing AND decreasing? Why or why not?

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