Changing Behavior of Quadratic Functions

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GR. 9-12


Describe the intervals for which a function is increasing or decreasing.

Changing Behavior of Quadratic Functions

Discover what it means for the graph of a quadratic function to be increasing or decreasing.

Putting It All Together

Answer these open ended questions on your own or with others to form deeper math connections.

Pregunta abierta 1

Move the points so that the parabola points up. Over what interval is the function increasing? Decreasing?

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Pregunta abierta 2

Move the points so that the parabola points down. Over what interval is the function increasing? Decreasing?

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Pregunta abierta 3

What happens when the points are horizontally or vertically aligned?

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Pregunta abierta 4

Try making a parabola that is only ever increasing or decreasing. Does it work? Why or why not? If yes, is it really a parabola?

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