Number Sense
Understanding numbers, their relationships and numerical reasoning
Using symbols to solve equations and express patterns
Studying shapes, sizes and spatial relationships in mathematics
Quantifying and comparing attributes like length, weight and volume
Performing mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, division
Probability and Statistics
Analyzing uncertainty and likelihood of events and outcomes
Calculator Suite
Exploring functions, solving equations, constructing geometric shapes
Graphing Calculator
Visualizing equations and functions with interactive graphs and plots
Exploring geometric concepts and constructions in a dynamic environment
3D Calculator
Graphing functions and performing calculations in 3D
Scientific Calculator
Performing calculations with fractions, statistics and exponential functions
Explore online note taking app with interactive graphs, slides, images and much more
Tim Brzezinski
Steve Phelps
Laura Hawkins
Juan Carlos Ponce Campuzano
Guillermo Bautista
Monark Trivedi
Anthony OR 柯志明
Ana Escuder
Malin Christersson
Michael Borcherds
Dr. Jack L. Jackson II
Jason Andrew Geary
Jeremy Cue
Lee W Fisher
chris cambré