Learn and practice solving equations and systems of linear equations with interactive resources from GeoGebra.
Upper Elementary
Value of a Variable in a Number Sentence
Find the value of a variable in a number sentence.
Word Problems with One Unknown
Describe the meaning of an unknown in the context of a word problem.
Middle School
Direct Variation
Write equations to represent direct variation and use direct variation to solve number and word problems.
Equations in Two Variables
Write an equation to describe the algebraic relationship between two defined variables in number and word problems, including recognizing which variable is dependent.
Equations Involving Powers and Roots
Solve equations involving powers and roots by using inverse relationships.
Graphing Systems of Linear Equations
Graphically solve systems of linear equations.
Linear Equations and Inequalities in Word Problems
Write a problem given a simple linear equation or inequality.
Number of Solutions to System of Equations
Determine whether a linear equation has one solution, infinitely many solutions, or no solution.
One-step Linear Equations and Inequalities
Solve one-step linear equations and inequalities and graph solutions of the inequalities on a number line in number and word problems.
Solving Linear Equations
Solve linear equations using the associative, commutative, distributive, and equality properties and justify the steps used.
Systems of Linear Equations in Two or More Variables
Write and solve systems of linear equations in two or more variables algebraically in number and word problems.
Translating Linear Equations and Inequalities
Write a linear equation or inequality to represent a given number or word problem; solve.
Two-step Linear Equations and Inequalities
Solve two-step linear equations and inequalities and graph solutions of the inequalities on a number line.
High School
Literal Equation for an Indicated Variable
Solve a literal equation for an indicated variable.
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