Learn and practice identifying, drawing and, measuring different types of angles and become an expert in angles with interactive resources from GeoGebra.
Upper Elementary
Adding and Subtracting Angles
Use addition and subtraction to find unknown measures of non-overlapping angles.
Identify and label the vertex, rays, and interior and exterior of an angle. Use appropriate naming conventions to identify angles.
Drawing and Measuring Angles with a Protractor
Draw and measure angles using a protractor. Understand that a circle measures 360 degrees.
Types of Angles
Identify and draw angles (acute, right, obtuse, and straight).
Middle School
Angle Sum Properties of Triangles, Quadrilaterals, and Polygons
Use a variety of triangles, quadrilaterals, and other polygons to draw conclusions about the sum of the measures of the interior angles.
Complementary and Supplementary Angles
Define and identify complementary and supplementary angles.
Lines and Angles
Define and identify alternate interior, alternate exterior, corresponding, adjacent and vertical angles.
Pairs of Angles
Use properties, definitions, and theorems of angles and lines to solve problems related to adjacent, vertical, complementary, supplementary, and linear pairs of angles.

GR. 6-8
Unknown Complementary Angles

GR. 6-8
Finding Unknown Complementary Angles

GR. 6-8
Unknown Supplementary Angles

GR. 6-8
Finding Unknown Supplementary Angles

GR. 6-8
Unknown Vertical Angles

GR. 6-8
Finding Unknown Values in Vertical Angles

GR. 6-8
Unknown Adjacent Angles

GR. 6-8
Finding Unknown Values in Adjacent Angles
Using Theorems for Angles Formed by Parallel Lines
Use definitions and theorems of angles formed when a transversal intersects parallel lines.
High School
Degree and Radian Measure of Angles
Determine the measure of an angle in degree mode or in radian mode.
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