CCGPS AG 5.6.3 Example 2

Three students are shooting wads of paper with a rubber band, aiming for a trash can in the front of the room. The height of each student’s paper wad in feet is given as a function of the time in seconds. Which student’s paper wad flies the highest? • The path of Alejandro’s paper wad is modeled by the equation [math]f(x) = –x^2 + 2x + 7[/math]. • Melissa’s paper wad is estimated to reach the heights shown in the table below. [math]\ \ \ \ \ x \ \ \ 0 \ \ \ 2 \ \ \ 3 \ \ \ 4[/math] [math]\ \ \ \ \ y \ \ \ 3 \ \ \ 6 \ \ \ 7 \ \ \ 6[/math] • After [math]3[/math] seconds, Connor’s paper wad achieves a maximum height of [math]6.5[/math] feet above the floor.


GeoGebra Materials Team

Resource Type
extremum  function  maximum  quadratic 
Target Group (Age)
15 – 18
English (United States)
GeoGebra version
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