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Canonical Truncated Snub Cube (laevo)(V=120) and its dual image: Coloring the edges and faces

This applet is an improved version of the applet. Here you can automatically sort polygons with the same number of vertices, but different shapes. The difference between these polygons is in their areas. In the applet- "Triangulation" section, you need to set the vertices of the polyhedron. The applet finds edges and faces, as well as this for its double image. In the section "Coloring" according to the results obtained, a 3D model of this polyhedron is installed. You can pick color of any polyhedron element by interactively selecting a specific color from the color wheel. You can also project edges onto a sphere described around the polyhedron. The images for this applet are in the applet Images: Images: Canonical Truncated Snub Cube (laevo)(V=120) and its dual image: Coloring the edges and faces
[size=85][url=]Canonical Truncated Snub Cube (laevo)[/url]
[table][tr][td]Vertices:  [/td][td]120  (24[4] + 24[4] + 24[4] + 24[4] + 24[4])[/td][/tr][tr][td]Faces:[/td][td]62  (6 regular octagons + 8 regular hexagons
    + 24 irregular hexagons + 24 irregular pentagons)[/td][/tr][tr][td]Edges:[/td][td]180  (6 different lengths)[/td][/tr][/table][/size]
Canonical Truncated Snub Cube (laevo)
Vertices:  120  (24[4] + 24[4] + 24[4] + 24[4] + 24[4])
Faces:62  (6 regular octagons + 8 regular hexagons     + 24 irregular hexagons + 24 irregular pentagons)
Edges:180  (6 different lengths)