IM Alg1.6.12 Practice: Graphing the Standard Form (Part 1)
Here are four graphs. Match each graph with a quadratic equation that it represents.
The two equations and are equivalent. Which equation helps find the -intercepts most efficiently?
Which equation helps find the -intercept most efficiently?
Select all equations whose graphs have a -intercept with a positive -coordinate.
Describe how the graph of has to be shifted to match the given graph.
Write an equation for the function represented by the graph.
Here is a graph of the function given by .
What can you say about the value of ? Explain how you know.
What are the -intercepts of the graph that represents ? Explain how you know.
What is the -coordinate of the vertex of the graph that represents ? Explain how you know.
Find the -coordinate of the vertex. Show your reasoning.
Sketch a graph of y=(x+1)(x+5).
Determine the x-intercepts, the vertex, and the y-intercept of the graph of each equation.
Equal amounts of money were invested in stock A and stock B. In the first year, stock A increased in value by 20%, and stock B decreased by 20%. In the second year, stock A decreased in value by 20%, and stock B increased by 20%. Was one stock a better investment than the other? Explain your reasoning.