
We described some on-going work on improving GeoGebra for studying mechanical linkages by using automated reasoning tools. It was presented that automatic derivation of a locus equation, automatic proving and automatic discovery are all well supported in GeoGebra for non-trivial linkages. Our experience is that the existing tools are already useful to solve various questions, but studying some linkages may result in too heavy computations. We however conclude that these novel tools are ready to be used in classrooms to enrich STEM education. Finally we emphasize that our efforts are based on an enormous work of many collaborators and other researchers, including experts of algebraic geometry, computer graphics, computer algebra and programming. This on-going work is a cooperation with Francisco Botana and Bernard Parisse. Tomás Recio and Francisco Botana were partially supported by MINECO/FEDER grant MTM2014-54141-P. The Lego Technic models were constructed with Benedek Kovács's help.


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