GeoGebra Institute

Are you a group of active GeoGebra users? Do you want to support your local community by organizing conferences, offering teacher training events, or creating resources for your local curriculum? If so, then you might want to establish a GeoGebra Institute!


As a GeoGebra Institute, your main task is to support your local community. You can decide how you want to best do that:

  • organize teacher training events, student workshops, or conferences 
  • create resources for your local curriculum
  • help with translating GeoGebra to your language
  • spread the word about GeoGebra on Social Media 
and much more. Institutes will help the GeoGebra team with
  • reviewing community roles of GeoGebra Contributors and Ambassadors
  • organizing local teacher training events
  • answering specific user questions.
Please find more details about suggested GeoGebra Institute Tasks.

Application & Recognition

An Institute can only be created by a group of at least 3 people. Please add their names in the application form. An Institute needs to apply only once, so only one member needs to fill out the form. After we have checked your application and you are confirmed as an Institute, you will receive a GeoGebra Institute badge that the Institute and all Institute Members may then use as part of their email signature and social media profiles. This title image also contains the current year and can be renewed annually.

All Institute Members will also get a GeoGebra Institute Member banner image that they may use as part of their email signature and social media profiles. This title image also contains the current year and can be renewed annually.


Every GeoGebra Institute needs a president, who is the head of the Institute. The president will be elected every year from the Institute's Members. In the annual report, Institutes have to announce their president to the GeoGebra team as the Institute's main contact person.

Annual Renewal

Once a year, you will be asked to fill out a short form about your activities as an Institute. You will fill out this form as an Institute, so not every member has to do it. A point system will help us determine whether your Institute status will be extended. In this case, you will receive a new banner image which shows your Institute status for the updated year.


As a GeoGebra Institute Member, you are allowed to publish resources on the GeoGebra website. As we want to ensure high-quality resources on our website, not everyone will be permitted to publish resources in the future. This right will be reserved for certain community members only. 

Additionally, GeoGebra Institute Members get early information about new features and get invited to online GeoGebra Community Gatherings, where the GeoGebra team demos the latest features and developments. After these demos, Institute Members are able to talk to the GeoGebra team directly, ask questions, and tell us their ideas and wishes. We will also feature the work of the Institutes with the most points on our Social Media pages and in our newsletter. Institutes have the right to give special GeoGebra certificates to the participants of their events. We provide special templates for this purpose.