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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

L1.14 - Defining Rotations

Learning Intentions and Success Criteria

We are learning to:
  • Comprehend that the term "rotation" (in written and spoken language) requires several descriptors including angle, center, and direction.
  • Determine whether a figure is a rotation of another.
  • Draw rotations of figures.
We are successful when we can:
  • Describe a rotation by stating the center and angle of rotation.
  • Draw rotations.

14.1: Math Talk: Comparing Angles

14.1:  Math Talk:  Comparing Angles

14.2: Info Gap: What’s the Point: Rotations

14.2:  Info Gap:  What’s the Point:  Rotations

Use this applet to solve the problem independently.

Partners with Problem Card 1 & Data Card 1, write your solution.

Partners with Problem Card 2 & Data Card 2, write your solution.

14.3: Turning into Triangles

1. Draw a segment. Label the endpoints A and B.

  • Rotate segment AB clockwise around center B by 90 degrees. Label the new endpoint A’.
  • Use the Polygon tool to draw triangle ABA’.
  • What kind of triangle did you draw? What other properties do you notice in the figure? Explain your reasoning.

2. Draw a segment. Label the endpoints C and D.

  • Rotate segment CD counterclockwise around center D by 30 degrees. Label the new endpoint C’.
  • Rotate segment C’D counterclockwise around center D by 30 degrees. Label the new endpoint C”.
  • Use the Polygon tool to draw triangle CDC”.
  • What kind of triangle did you draw? What other properties do you notice in the figure? Explain your reasoning.


Learning Intentions and Success Criteria

We are learning to:
  • Comprehend that the term "rotation" (in written and spoken language) requires several descriptors including angle, center, and direction.
  • Determine whether a figure is a rotation of another.
  • Draw rotations of figures.
We are successful when we can:
  • Describe a rotation by stating the center and angle of rotation.
  • Draw rotations.

Cool-Down: What Went Wrong? Rotation

Andre tried to rotate triangle ABC 45 degrees counterclockwise. He knows something went wrong because the image doesn’t seem to be congruent to the original figure.

1. What is one idea that Andre probably understands about rotations?

2. What is one idea that Andre doesn’t understand about rotations?

3. Rotate triangle ABC by 45 degrees counterclockwise, avoiding Andre’s mistake.
