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Classe GeoGebra
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Google Classroom
Classe GeoGebra
Catégoriser les solides
Can you sort these geometric solids?
Do you recognize the shape of these objects?
Do you know the name of these solids?
Do you know the name of the objects' shape?
Find the solid matching the name
Find the matching object
Catégoriser les solides
Auteur :
Geneviève St-Onge
GeoGebra Team
Learn how to recognize, name and sort the geometric solids prism, cube and pyramid and practice in a real life context.
Can you sort these geometric solids?
Do you recognize the shape of these objects?
Do you know the name of these solids?
Do you know the name of the objects' shape?
Find the solid matching the name
Find the matching object
Can you sort these geometric solids?
Nouvelles ressources
Illustration rotation2
Illustration du cours - isométries
activité1 27-01
Scan to show a conic related to d, F, e.
Quiz-fonctions exponentielles
Découvrir des ressources
Ensemble de Mandelbrot 1/2
Aire et périmètre
resolution equation sinus
Propriétés géométriques - Trapèze isocèle
Pavage bicolore
Découvrir des Thèmes
Suites et Séries
Intervalle de Confiance
Boîte à Moustaches