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GeoGebraClasse GeoGebra

Areas and Triangles

Hi Class! Today we are going to learn about different types of triangles. Here are the terms we discussed in class: Right Triangle: One angle is 90 degrees. Obtuse Triangle: One angle is MORE than 90 degrees Acute Triangle: One angle is LESS than 90 degrees. Answer the following questions using the triangles provided.

Observe the triangle above. What is the current area?

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  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
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Move either point B or C around to create an obtuse triangle of your choice. (Hint: More than 90 degrees) What is your new area?

Move either point B or C around to create an acute triangle. (Hint: Less than 90 degrees) What is your new area?

Move either point B or C around to create a right triangle (Hint: 90 degrees). What is your new area?

What is one thing that happened to your area as you changed the angles/type of triangle?

Great Work Everyone! If you have an questions please let me know when we all come back together to finish our math time. If you are done early please work on your math menus. -Ms. Allison