Form 3 Maths
It is just a collection of different good applet found in the geogebra community.

Table of Contents
Coordinate geometry
- Equation of a Straight Line
- F3 math self - learning the distance formula
- Distance between Two Points 兩點距離
- Meaning of Slope 斜率的意義
- Slope 斜率
- Quiz on Mid-point 中點:測驗
- 兩點距離:測驗 Quiz on Distance between Two Points
- Quiz on Slope (1) | 斜率測驗(1)
- Quiz on Slope (2) | 斜率測驗(2)
- Quiz on Slope (3) | 斜率測驗(3)
- Quiz on Slope of Parallel Lines and Perpendicular Lines 平行線和垂直線的斜率:測驗
- 63=64=65 ?
sine, cosine and tangnet
Area and Volume
- Volume of Pyramids
- Curved Surface Area of a Cone 圓錐的曲面面積
- Building Cones 建造圓錐體
- Surface Area of a Sphere (Mnemonic) 球體的表面面積(記憶法)
- Relationship between Volume and Surface Area of a Sphere 球體的體積與表面面積的關係
- Quiz on Formula about Area and Volume 面積及體積公式:測驗
- Frustum | 平截頭體
- Trisecting the Cube into 3 Pyramids
- Building Pyramids 建造角錐體
law of index
more about 3d figure
- Line Perpendicular to Plane 垂直於平面的直線
- Angle between a Line and a Plane 投影與線面角
- Quiz on Projection of a Line Segment on a Plane 投影:測驗
- Quiz on Angle between a Line and a Plane 線面角:測驗
- Angle between Two Planes 面面角
- Angle between Two Planes 兩平面之間的交角(面面角)(2)
- Angle between Two Planes in a Square Pyramid 正四角錐中兩平面間的交角
measure central tendency
special line in triangle
percentage 2