Circumcenter 外心
What can you conclude 考えるabout the 3 smaller blue points? What are they? 青色の点は何ですか?How do you know this? なぜわかりますか?
What vocabulary term best describes each brown line? Why is this? それぞれの茶色の線を最もよく表している語彙は何ですか?これはなぜですか?
Describe the intersection 交わるのことof these 3 brown lines. How do they intersect?
Is it ever possible for the circumcenter to lie outside the triangle三角形の外に? If so, how would you classify such a triangle by its angles? どんな三角形か?
Is it ever possible for the circumcenter to lie on the triangle itself? If so, how would you classify such a triangle by its angles? And if so, where exactly on the triangle is the circumcenter found?
Is it ever possible for the circumcenter to lie inside the triangle? If so, how would you classify such a triangle by its angles?
What is so special about the purple circle with respect to the triangle's vertices?
What previously learned theorem easily implies that the distance from the circumcenter to any vertexis equal to the distance from the circumcenter to any other vertex?