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Basis and Dimension


Analogous to the definition of a basis for , we can define a basis for a general vector space as follows: Definition: A set of vectors in is a basis for if
  1. is a linearly independent set, and
Remark: The above definition still works well if the set of vectors is an infinite set. But in this course, we will mainly focus on vector spaces having a finite basis. There are several important theorems related to basis: Theorem: Suppose a vector space can be spanned by vectors. If any set of vectors in is linearly independent, then . Proof: Suppose and suppose that is a linearly independent set in . Then for some real numbers . Since , not all are zero. Assume . Then we have and it is not hard to see that can replace in the spanning set i.e. . Then for some real numbers . Since is linearly independent, not all are zero. Assume . Then by similar argument, can replace in the spanning set i.e. . Assume , we can repeat the above process until all the vectors are replaced by vectors . Hence . In other words, is a linear combination of . But this is impossible because is a linearly independent set in . Therefore, .


If a vector space is spanned by a finite set of vectors, then is said to be finite-dimensional. Starting from that finite set, if a vector is a linear combination of the others, we can throw it away and the remaining vectors will still span . Repeat this process until you cannot throw away any more vector in the set. It means that no vector in the set is a linear combination of others i.e. the set is now linearly independent. Since it still spans , the set of remaining vectors forms a basis for . Basis Theorem: Suppose and are both bases for . Then . Proof: By the above theorem, . Interchange the roles of two bases and apply the theorem again, we have . Hence, . Thanks to the Basis Theorem, the number of vectors in any basis for are the same. We define this number to be the dimension of , denoted by . By convention, the dimension of the zero vector space is zero. The dimension of a vector space can be interpreted as
  • the smallest number of vectors that can span the vector space, or
  • the largest number of linearly independent vectors in the vector space.
Dimension is also a number that measures the "size" of a vector space - the greater the dimension, the larger the vector space. Suppose is a subspace of . We expect that . The following theorem confirms this: Theorem: Let be a vector space such that and let and be subspaces of . Then
  1. is finite-dimensional and .
  2. Any basis of is part of a basis for .
  3. If and , then .
(It will be proved in class.)

Some Examples

Example 1: is a basis for . . Example 2: Let . We already proved that is a subspace of . Find a basis for . If you express the equation as an augmented matrix . It is a matrix already in echelon form. And the variables and are regarded as free variables. Let . Then the solutions are Therefore, and the two vectors are linearly independent (because one is not a scalar multiple of another). In other words, is a basis for . Example 3: is a basis for . . Example 4: For any in . We define the trace of , denoted by , to be the sum of all diagonal entries of . It can be shown that is a subspace of . Find a basis for when and hence . Idea: There are 6 off-diagonal entries that can be chosen freely. As for the diagonal entries, two of them can be chosen freely and the remaining one is determined because the diagonal sum is zero. Therefore, it is expected that . As for the basis, we will find it out in class.


Let .

  1. Show that is a subspace of .
  2. Prove that is a basis for .