Circles and Lines and Segments
What is the official name of the circle?
What are the official names of all of the radii in the circle?
What are the official names of all of the chords in the circle?
What is the official name of the diameter in the circle?
What is the official name of the secant in the circle?
What is the official name of the tangent to the circle?
What is the official name of the point of tangency on the circle?
Find at least two concentric circles. How many common tangents do they have?
Find at least two kissing circles. How many common tangents do they have (specify internal and external)?
Find at least two congruent circles. How many common tangents do they have (specify internal and external)? How can you prove they are congruent?
How many common tangents do G and D have (specify internal and external)?
Give proof of whether or not segment BC is tangent to A.
Find the radius of the circle.
Prove whether or not AEBDEC.
Real world
You're building a model to demonstrate how eclipses happen in a general sense. There is a 12 inches distance between the center of your 4 inch diameter moon model and the center of your 10 inch diameter planet model. What is the maximum distance that you can place the light source to achieve a full eclipse? (the diagram above shows the basic layout)