Automatic animations
This activity belongs to the GeoGebra book Attractive projects.
If we place a free point in a path (line, polygon, function, conic...) and animate it, we will go through the locus (or list of loci) always using the the same time, regardless of the length of the path.
This is so, because each geometric path (or list of paths) is governed by a parameter that takes values between 0 and 1. As the parameter changes always at the same speed (unless we modificate it in the properties of the animated point) the point runs through each locus using the same time. In other words, all animated points have the same "relative" velocity by default.
In addition, except in segments and circles, its speed will not be uniform. In this (Spanish) GeoGebra book you can consult the technical information about the settings that govern GeoGebra objects.
Author of the construction of GeoGebra: Rafael Losada