FLGGB 2022 Schedule/Speakers
Schedule/Speakers (tentative schedule)
February 19th 2022 LINK TO THE CONFERENCE ZOOM meeting will be sent on Friday evening and Saturday morning! Thank you for your interest! LINK ZOOM EVENT
8:00 am Opening by organizers from FAU and Welcome address by Markus Hohenwarter8:30 am Getting Started with Geogebra Libo Valencia 9:15 am GeoGebra & Open Middle Exercises: A Powerful Way to Engage and Assess in Remote & Hybrid Settings Tim Brzezinski 10:00 am Geogebra - Science!!! Adam Wolfe 10:45 am GeoGebra on the Fly Edward Knote 11:30 am What-If-Not Completing the Square Steve Phelps 12:15 pm Intgegrating GeoGebra into a Geometry Curriculum Sarah Toosarvandani 13:00 pm Action-Consequence-Reflection Activities with GeoGebra Technology Karen Campe 13:45 pm Designing Engaging Applets that Promote Student Learning Stephen Silvestri 14:30 pm Bringing Textbooks to Life using AR Burgess Jeffries 15:15 pm Customizing GeoGebra OER Lessons for Formative Assessment Monique Zhou 16:00 pm Gamification on GeoGebra Rob Pontecorvo 16:45 pm Constructions of particular planar curves using GeoGebra Petra Surynková 17:00 pm Final Remarks and End of the Conference Back to MAIN PAGE OF CONFERENCE