- What is a field in the context of QFT?
- What does it mean to say that something is quantized?
- What is a black body in physics?
- How can Wien's displacement law be used by a nurse in a hospital?
- What does doubling the temperature do to the power emitted by a star?
- What wavelength of light is required if the goal is to eject electrons from aluminum with 3.0 eV of kinetic energy?
- What is a photon?
- Who first suggested the quantum hypothesis?
- What is the energy associated with a single photon of wavelength 633 nm?
- What do we mean when we say that what we have traditionally thought of as particles are really waves?
1. See text
2. See text
3. See text
4. See text
5. Increases 16 fold
6. 172 nm
7. Quantum of the electromagnetic field
8. Max Planck
9. 1.96 eV
10. That they are not discrete entities with clear boundaries, and will interfere like waves.