Lena Delaunay triangulation
GIF animation of the Delaunay triangulation

GIF anilation with photo of Lena

How does this works ?
It uses the built-in function DelaunayTriangulation in GeoGebra.
1) I inserted the image of Lena.
2) Placed a bunch (354) of points
3) selected the points and put them in a list l1
4) Created a slider a in [0,1]
5) l2=Sequence(If(k < 354 a, Element(l1, k)), k, 1, 354)
This creates a list of the fraction a of the first elements of l1
6) DelaunayTriangulation(l2)
7) For extra fun, to make the pic appear slowly, I fixed the opacity of the picture (properties, advanced) equal to a^8 or a^10 I don't remember, but you get the idea.