Park Joon-young, the last at-bat with one double left in the 'cycling hit', chose a walk instead of a full swing

He hit a single, triple, and home run in turn, his fourth at-bat. There's only one double left in the 'Cycling Hit'. It's a situation that deserves a big swing. In the bottom of the seventh inning with a 9-2 lead, striking out while aiming for a long hit was not a burden on the team. However, Park Joon-young focused only on his role in his last at-bat. Instead of trying too hard to get the record, he calmly picked out the ball and walked out on a walk. One at-bat was so precious. Park Joon-young recorded his first home run, his first triple, and his first RBI at once in his third appearance since moving to Doosan. He hit a two-run triple in his second at-bat in the fourth inning and hit a one-run home run in the sixth inning. He added three hits in three at-bats and a walk in the last at-bat until his first left-handed hit in the second inning, and all four at-bats were on base. Park Joon-young, who made his professional debut in NC in 2016, wore a Doosan uniform as an FA compensator for catcher Park Se-hyuk this season. The transfer report was late due to rehabilitation after a shoulder injury. 토토사이트 Asked if he was impatient with the long wait, Park Joon-young said, "I wanted to prepare perfectly and come up," adding, "I think the (Futures) record came up in a good state rather gained confidence and became a plus factor." Regarding the at-bat, which did not aim for a double and picked up a walk, he said, "If I had touched the last ball, the bat would have been broken." It was so deep," he said with a smile. Park Joon-young said, "I knew that there was only a double left because my brothers and coaches kept telling me, but when I entered the batter's box, I didn't think about it at all and thought about getting on base." As usual, Park Joon-young was also presented with a "no interest ceremony" for his first home run after the transfer. Park Joon-young gave a high five to the air alone, while his teammates tried to pretend not to know. Park Joon-young said, "I thought the older members would come out like that if I hit a home run. "When such a ceremony comes in, I tried to receive it as fun as possible so that the atmosphere would not be disturbed," he said. In addition to his first triple and first home run, Park Joon-young also left an impressive scene on base. He hit a hit in the second inning and was caught in a pitcher's check. It is common for Park Joon-young to be arrested without much resistance, but he momentarily fell to the ground and avoided the runner tag and ran to first base, but was narrowly out. The original trial was safe, but it was reversed after a video reading. That's how close it was. Park Joon-young said, "I ran because I got a sign to run from the first pitch, but I got a check right away. The coach said, "I'm sorry." with a smile. Park Joon-young said, "I thought I could avoid the tag if I bent down after seeing the defender holding the ball. "I thought it was safe until the end, but it was out." Park Joon-young played as a pinch hitter on the 7th and started the previous day and the day in a row. Park Joon-young said, "So many fans came to see me, so I expected how loud the cheers would be if I hit and go out," adding, "I feel good because I feel like I received a lot of support at once today." Park Joon-young said his goal this season is to contribute to the team's victory without getting hurt until the end as the start of the season was late.