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Matrix Algebra

Properties of Matrix Multiplication

Here are some standard properties of matrix multiplication: Let be an m x n matrix, and let and have sizes for which the indicated sums and products are defined.
  1. for any real number
We also have some useful properties regarding inverses: Let and be invertible matrices of the same size.
  1. is invertible and
  2. for any non-zero real number

Power of a Matrix

Given an n x n matrix and a positive integer , denotes the product of copies of : . By convention, . From the first property of the inverses, we can see that . Sometimes it is abbreviated as . Caution: In general, because . And it equals only when .

Transpose of a Matrix

Given an m x n matrix , the transpose of is the n x m matrix, denoted by , whose columns are formed from the corresponding rows of i.e the column of is the row of . Examples: The following are some useful properties regarding transpose: Let A and B denote matrices having sizes for which the indicated sums and products are defined.
  2. for any real number
The following are some questions about matrix algebra:

Let and be two n x n matrices. Expand .

Prove or disprove the following statement: For any invertible n x n matrices and , is also invertible and .

Prove or disprove the following statement: For any invertible n x n matrix , is also invertible and .