35 - Cut-outs Grades 1 - 4

Grades 1 - 4 Duration: 2 x 45 min Tools: 3 Logifaces blocks / person Individual / Pair work Keywords: Geometric and organic shapes, Cut-outs as artwork, Decorative upcycling work 



ART/ Plane and spatial works

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION LESSON 1 Each student uses three Logifaces blocks. They draw around all the sides of the Logifaces blocks and then cut out the geometrical shape of the floor plan. LESSON 2 The students collage the paper cut-outs into various forms. They can combine them into new shapes with existing cut-outs and add new materials to the composition (textiles, wire, dried plants, etc.)

The Parakeet and the Mermaid by Henri Matisse

logifaces webpage