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GeoGebraGeoGebra Klaslokaal



Construct a letter to perform different transformations. First reflect the letter about a line, then rotate it around a point and last translate it by a vector. Explore the construction and discover different transformations with Geometry in GeoGebra Calculator Suite. Then try it yourself by following the instructions below.

Explore the construction...


1.Toolbar Image Create any letter using the Polygon tool.
2.Toolbar ImageCreate a segment beside your polygon using the Segment tool.
3.Toolbar Image Select the Reflect about Line tool and reflect your letter by selecting the object and then the created segment.
4.Toolbar ImageUse the Move tool and move the points of the segment to explore your reflection.
5.Toolbar ImageCreate a point underneath the reflected polygon using the Point tool.
6.Toolbar ImageSelect the Rotate around Point tool and rotate your reflected letter by selecting the object and then the created point. Select clockwise in the appearing dialog.
7.Toolbar ImageUse the Move tool and move the point to explore your rotation.

Try it yourself...

Instructions (continued)

8.Toolbar ImageCreate a vector below the rotated polygon using the Vector tool.
9.Toolbar ImageSelect the Translate by Vector tool and translate your rotated letter by selecting the object and then the created vector.
10.Toolbar ImageUse the Move tool and move the points of the vector to explore your translation.
11.Toolbar ImageMove any of your constructed points to explore the transformations.