Google Classroom
GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Volume of prism is 1/3 volume of pyramid.


This activity is the way of find out the volume of pyramid and prism in a single.In this activity the volume of pyramid is 1/3 of volume prism which can be seen on the screen on the applet.The three parts of pyramid are rotating around 90° anticlockwise.This shows a volume of pyramid is 1/3 of volume of prism.


Student will be able to find the volume of pyramid is and 1/3 of prism ,

User guideline ,

Click the slide button and observe the figure carefully.
GGB applet

Test your outstanding

Is volume of prism is 1/3 volume of pyramid ?

Select all that apply
  • A
  • B
Check my answer (3)

Construction protocol

1) Open Geogebra 3D Graphics window . 2)Take a cube from input bar or using tool from 3D graphics, 3)Take a pmd1 =Pyramid(A,B,C,D,F) from Input bar then colour it 4)Take a line AB by using line tool , 5) Take input bar then text Rotate(pmd1,α ,AB)Then click on create slider Rotate line AB for slider (0-90°) 6)Take a pmd2 =Pyramid(D,E,G,H,F) then colour it, 7) Take input bar the text Rotate(pmd2,α ,GH) . 8) Similarly Take another one Pyramid 3 then colour it , 9) Then show or hide object or level line ,Axes ,Greed and Plane for good visualization. 10) Finally rotate it then watch the visualization of cube and pyramid.