Google Classroom
GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Clear View - Team A

With your help Sarah and Max found out that for each step one more cube is needed than for the previous. But Sarah is asking herself, what this means for the graph of the correlation. Well a look into the simulation Staircase might help: Tick the checkbox "Messpunkte" and the measurements from the animation in the left pane will appear in the coordinate pane on the right.


Max and Sarah would like to connect the points, as they did with the correlation of the discs, to get a clear picture. But does this make sense here? State reasons in your answer.

Ticking the checkbox "Trendlinie" draws a dashed line along the points, indicating the rough trend of the measurement values. This is the safe option regarding the previous question!

Compare the trend of this line with the graph of the correlation from the discs. Describe the similarities and differences.

Not all the words you used to describe the correlation of diameter and circumference fit the graph here. For each word state reasons why it fits/does not fit the correlation here. Find more suitable words in the latter cases. a) increase      b) steady      c) straight

Now bring together your sample calculation of the cubes required for a certain number of steps with the descripton of the graph in the previous question. Form one summary sentence.

Whew, made it! That was a tough one!

Sarah counted the boxes in the meantime: 16. The treehouse with a height of 2m might be just right and comfortable. Now you can calculate the number of boxes needed for their staircase to the roof. Write down the calculation and decide whether the number of boxes suffices

Before we procede, please put the cubes back into the bag and the bag into the box.