Session 5 - Friday 11:10 - 12:30

The development of teachers’ professional identities through narratives – An approach via the documentary method Author: Gregor Steinbeiß Co-authors: Jan Böhm, Eeva Kaisa Hyry-Beihammer The research field "teachers’ professional identity" (hereinafter TPI) has become an increasingly important approach in recent years. TPI has a direct influence on enactment, motivation, self-efficacy and beliefs (Korthagen, 2004) and is defined as an evolving process by reflecting and interpreting experiences, includes both person and context, consists of multiple identities, is based on personal action and referred to as an active personal process. Both antinomies and (critical) key experiences during teacher education influence the development of student teachers (Beijaard & Meijer, 2017). The presented project follows the following research question: (1) How does TPI develop and how is it profiled through the presented approach? The qualitative longitudinal study examines one student during the introductory phase. The presented data sets are episodic-narrative interviews, which are analysed through the documentary method. Beijaard, D. & Meijer, P. C. (2017). Developing the personal and professional in making a teacher identity. In D. J. Clandinin & J. Husu (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Research on Teacher Education (pp. 176–192). London: SAGE Publications. Korthagen, F. A.J. (2004). In search of the essence of a good teacher: towards a more holistic approach in teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 20(1), 77–97.

Fostering process skills in mathematics through educational technology in elementary schools Author: Ben Haas Co-author: Dr. Yves Kreis The Teaching in elementary school is mostly based on paper-pencil approaches and does not yet rely primary on educational technologies. But educational technology has found its way into the elementary schools, this based on various numbers of governmental initiatives launched during the last years in Luxemburg. The aims of these initiatives were to support students in mathematics and foremost render improvements on both skill settings, content and process. However using educational technology in mathematics does not jointly mean teaching and learning process skills. There are many different types of educational technology in mathematics, from tutoring systems to dynamic mathematical software and drill and practice software, only to name those as examples. We want to identify educational technologies and methodologies which are most likely to foster process skills (problem solving, modeling, argumenting, representing and communicating) in mathematics. Therefore we would work on a set of educational technologies offered to the students in elementary school in Luxemburg and evaluate their impacts on the fostering of process skills in mathematics.

A DBR intervention programme for the teaching and learning of mathematics at lower secondary in Mauritius Author: Angateeah Khemduth Singh Co-authors: Hohenwarter Markus, Lavicza Zsolt, Purdasseea Sooryadev, Nenduradu Rajeev Taking into account the difficulties faced by lower secondary Mauritian students to learn mathematics, this three-year study aims at adapting, developing and implementing teaching and learning materials (in GeoGebra) that will promote a conceptual understanding of mathematics. A designed based research approach will be used where a group of four teachers from two different schools will be empowered. Appropriate topics will be selected and lessons will be developed and implemented. The interventions will be video recorded and data collected through interviews and questionnaires on teachers’ beliefs, students’ motivation and students’ engagement. The effect of the interventions on students’ achievement will also be measured. Findings from the study will help in formulating recommendations for policy decisions. 

Women in Science, Women in Space Author: Veronica Cavicchi Video projection of, exhibition and app. Vision of a research activity on PHYSICS AND MEDICINE. Delivery of an A4 sheet taken from the PDF of A SCIENTIST LIFE THE FACES OF THE PROJECT # 100ESPERTE. Storytelling activity. ROSADIGITALE presentation, L'Oreal - Unesco - Women in Science, Masterclass. Devices requested to participants: mobile phone or tablet with Internet connection and with Adobe Spark installed and the application of

The Statistical Thinking mediated by GeoGebra: understanding the possible implications of Transnumeration Author: José Ronaldo Alves Araujo Co-author: Celina A. A. P. Abar This article results from emerging discussions of an ongoing doctoral investigation in the field of Mathematical Education. The focus of the study is the processes of Transnumeration and the use of GeoGebra. The text presents a problem resulting from questions from an academic master's research in Mathematical Education by the first author. We discuss especially Transnumeration and the development of Statistical Thinking in a computational environment, considering the relevance of the idea of technology. In order to understand the process that is intended to develop the research, we point to the need of applying sequences of activities that use the presupposed didactic engineering, introducing GeoGebra as support for the processing of statistical data. We believe that GeoGebra allows the observation and analysis of the development of Statistical Thinking, especially of Transnumeration processes. As we aim in this text to understand possible implications of GeoGebra for Transnumeration, still in phase of studies related to our theme, we elucidate a concept that understands statistical thinking as strategies used by the individual to make decisions at every stage of an investigative cycle, in which we conjecture the possibility of identifying and analyzing Transnumeration processes.

RInnovative and creative approaches mathematical education Author: Natalija Budinski

The presentation highlights the possibilities creative approaches in mathematical education. Combination of different approaches and use of technology can be very productive in developing mathematical competences. We present examples from the practice that supports this topic.

Integration of GeoGebra in Teaching Circle: An Experimental Exploration Author: Raju Thapa 21st-century learners are familiar to the pictorial culture of learning mathematics as well as other contents via wide access to internet site and various applications that are related to mathematics. In this regard, the traditional lecture-based method of teaching mathematics is not working as expected by mathematics tutors. This could be most of the mathematics teaching and learning which is not aligned to the pictorial culture. The central obstacles in teaching mathematics could be concepts without adequate illustrations. This paper explored the lived experience on the use of GeoGebra while teaching circle to twenty students in one of the secondary schools of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Further, mathematical software, GeoGebra is an interactive geometry, algebra, and statistics application to foster mathematical experiments and discoveries during classroom teaching. This research paper attempts to determine the use of GeoGebra that helps the students to understand the concepts of circle adequately. The contribution of this paper was a reflection of specific examples of circle. Subscribing teaching experiment as qualitative research methodology, where teaching experiment methodology in our research study explores the use of GeoGebra in teaching geometric circle to critically analyzing the emotions and behaviors shown by my research participants during our research study. The purpose of choosing this methodology was to experience students’ learning process. Even more, this paper deals with the implementation of GeoGebra in four teaching episodes including twelve days. Each episode was designed with use of GeoGebra. We used adequate illustrations, pictures, and animations of objects using GeoGebra to make concepts of geometric circle visible to student. The result of experiment classroom shows that GeoGebra is helpful in learning concepts of circle. Findings of this study show that if GeoGebra is used in the mathematics classroom, students become more active constructor of knowledge. Similarly, they collaborate with each other, visualize the key concepts of circle, and enjoy their authority in such classes. It acts as an important educational tool to support innovate method of teaching mathematics so as to shifts education system from teacher centered to learner centered for quality education for 21st century. Keywords:Constructor of knowledge, GeoGebra, teaching of mathematics, circle, mathematical experiment, teaching experiment Kaasthamandap Vidhyalaya, Mandikhatar, Kathmandu. Niroj Dahal Nepal Open University, Faculty of Social Sciences and Education