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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Geometry Perspective

The Geometry Perspective displays the  Graphics View without the  coordinate axes, as well as the Graphics View Toolbar and the  Undo / Redo buttons in the top right corner.

The Graphics View

The  Graphics View always displays the graphical representation of objects created in GeoGebra. In addition, the Graphics View Toolbar is displayed at the top and the Undo / Redo buttons in the top right corner. Note: The  Graphics View is part of almost all Perspectives and can be customized (e.g. show different kinds of grids and/or  coordinate axes). Using the Construction Tools available in the Graphics View Toolbar you can create geometric constructions in the Graphics View. Select any construction Tool from the Graphics View Toolbar and read the appearing Tooltip to find out how to use the selected Tool. Note: Any object you create in the Graphics View also has an algebraic representation in the Algebra View.


Get in touch with the Geometry Perspective by following the instructions.


1.Toolbar ImageSelect the Circle with Center through Point tool and click two times in the Graphics View.
2.Toolbar ImageSelect the Move tool and drag point B on the circle. Explore how the size of the circle changes.
3.Open the Graphics View Style Bar by clicking on the symbol in the top right corner.
4.Toolbar ImageShow the coordinate axes by clicking on this icon.
5. Toolbar ImageShow the grid by clicking on the grid in the Style Bar.
6. Toolbar Image Draw a quadrilateral by clicking four times into the Graphics View. Close the quadrilateral by clicking on the first point again.

Try it yourself...

Displaying a second Graphics View

A second  Graphics View can be shown using the  View Menu of the app's menu. If two  Graphics Views are visible, one of them is always active (either it's being worked with and it has bold caption, or it is the last View that has been worked with). All visible objects created by Commands appear in the active  Graphics View. For each object you can specify in which  Graphic View(s) it will be visible using the Advanced tab of the Settings.

Modifying Mathematical Objects

The Move Tool After activating the Move Tool you are able to move objects in the Graphics View by dragging them with the mouse or with a touch pad. Note: At the same time, their algebraic representations are dynamically updated in the Algebra View. Copy & Paste Via Keybord Shortcut Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V (Mac OS:Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V) you can Copy and Paste selected objects (except if they depend on the coordinate axes) into either the same or into another window. Note: Copy and Paste will copy every ancestor of the selected objects but makes the non-selected objects invisible. Example: If you copy objects depending on sliders into a new window, it will copy the slider (invisible) into the window, too. The pasted object is fixed when you click on the Graphics View. If the copied object depends on at least one point then it can snap onto existing points when pasted (but only the point following the mouse pointer will do this).

Hiding Mathematical Objects in the Graphics View

You may hide objects in the Graphics View by either
  • using the Show/Hide Object Tool
  • opening the Context Menu and unchecking Show Object