Miss Stambaugh's Mathematical Resources
This covers Common Core Standards and topics of fractions, geometry, and statistics.

Table des matières
Lines, Rays, Segments
Types of Angles
Properties of Quadrilaterals
- Discovering Properties of Quadrilaterals
- Cyclic Quadrilaterals
- Properties of Trapezoids
- Properties of a Square
- Properties of a Rhombus
- Properties of a Rectangle
- Determining the properties of a Parallelogram
- Explore Properties of Quadrilaterals
- Hierarchy of Quadrilaterals
- Properties of Rectangles
- Square Template (Scaffolded Investigation)
Area (rectangle, parallelogram, trapezoid, circle, sector)
- Area of a Rectangle
- Area of a parallelogram
- Parallelogram: Area
- Trapezoid: Area (I)
- Arc Length and Area of a Sector (V1)
- Area of a Triangle
- Area of circle
- Area of Circle
- Practice: Pythagorean Theorem (1)
- Pythagorean Theorem
- Pythagorean Theorem Visual
- Quiz: Special Right Triangles
- Arc length: Quick Investigation
- Create a Triangle with Given Area: Quick Formative Assessment
- Create a Trapezoid with Given Area: Quick Formative Assessment
- Building Parallelograms with Given Area: Quick Formative Assessment
Volume (cones and cylinders)
- Volume of rectangular prisms
- Volume of cylinder
- Volume of a Cylinder vs Cone
- Volume of a cylinder
- Volume of rectangular prisms
- Volume of Triangular Prism Practice
- Volume of Triangular Prism Practice
- Volume: Intuitive Introduction
- Circle vs. Sphere
- Copy of Copy of Find the volume of rectangular prism
- Building with Snap Cubes
Models of Rational Numbers
Fraction Equivalence, Ordering, and Simplifying
Adding Fractions
Subtracting Fractions
Multiplying Fractions
Dividing Fractions
Denseness of Fractions
- Forest Hills (6.SP.4 Numerical Data Plots)
- AQR Section 17: Where's the Mean?
- Open Middle Box Plots
- Making Bar Graphs
- Bar Graphs and Pie Charts
- Bar Graphs
- Bar Graphs
- Bar graph and statistics measures
- Bar Charts and Pie Charts
- AQR Section 16: Matching a Pie Chart to a Dot Plot
- Stem and Leaf Diagrams
- Describing the Distribution (with Box plots)
- 05.1 Measures of Central Tendency
- Statistical Analyses
- Mean Median
- Boxplot Construction
- Box-and-Whisker Plot Generator
- Median and mean visualisation
- Dot Plot Tool
- Comparing Mean, Median, and Mode
- Mean Median Mode Game
- Lotto Tickets Simulation
- Mean Median Mode -Tabulated Data with Visual Mode
- Practicing Statistical Calculation-1
- Mean, Median, and Standard Deviation
- Exploring Averages and Outliers
- AQR Section 17: Calculating Summary Statistics
- How Many Children Simulation
- Simulation (2012 #4)
- Waiting for Friends Simulation