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AQR Section 7: Unicode Exploration

In this section, you have investigated different codes and coding systems. Another coding system that you may not be familiar with is Unicode. Unicode assigns a unique number to every character on your computer keyboard, regardless of the type of computer you are using, the software you are using, and the language you might speak. As you can see below, the symbol "{{SSR}}quot; has the Unicode value of 36, and the Unicode value 66 corresponds to the letter "B". Explore the different Unicode values. How are the Unicode values of UPPER CASE LETTERS related to the Unicode values of lower case letters? How are the Unicode values of numbers on a keyboard related to the numbers on the keyboard? (The Unicode value for 1 is 49.) Unicode was invented to provide a standard means of encoding text data. This allows for more efficient processing, storage, and interchange of text data in any language. You can find more information on Unicode from the Unicode Consortium: