What is The Poincare Disk
The Poincare Disk: What is it?
The Poincare Disk is one of many models of hyperbolic space. The four most common models of Hyperbolic space are: the Beltrami-Klein model, the Poincaré disk model, the Poincaré half-plane model, and the Lorentz or hyperboloid model The Poincare Disk is a model of 2D hyperbolic geometry in which all points are inside the unit disk. Straight lines are represented either by circular arcs contained within the disk that are orthogonal to the unit circle or diameters of the unit circle.
Below is a Display of Hyperbolic Space
The large blue portion is a hyperboloid used to display hyperbolic space The orange ring is the Beltrami-Klein Disk The purple disk is our Poincare Disk
The parabolas created in the blue hyperbolic space are projected as straight lines on the orange Beltrami-Klein Disk, but they are projected as arcs of a circle on the purple Poincare DiskBelow is an Image Depicting the Models of Hyperbolic Space

Now Let's Look at What The Poincare Disk has:
- A line is represented as an arc of a circle
- Diameters are also used inside the disk
Part 1
Part 2
Construct a Diameter Using the Tool
Use the Hyperbolic Line Tool
Considering what you have learned so far, what do you think is the purpose of using the Poincare Disk?
What questions do you still have about the Poincare Disk?