Calculus For The People
The first season of Calculus, now streaming on Geogebra!
This is an introduction to the main ideas of Calculus 1: limits, derivatives and integrals. Geogebra does the algebra for you so you can focus on understanding the concepts. Enjoy!

- A Quick Word about Functions
- Incoming!
- Quickly! Model the data!
- Your First Function
- How high will it get?
- Two More Predictions
- Summary so Far
- Make Your Own Function
- Use Your Own Function
- Keep using your function!
- Definition of a Function
- Length of Day
- Length of Day Model Generation
- Length of the Day Model
- The Atomic Functions
- Combining Functions
- Composition of Functions Part 1
- Composition of Functions Part 2
- Composition of Functions Part 3
- Composition of Functions Part 4
- Practice Questions on Functions
- A Quick Word About Derivatives
- Jumping Right In
- Almost a Derivative
- Connecting the Dots
- The Dots Connected
- But Wait, It's A Little Off...
- The First of Many Shortcuts
- Definition of The Tangent Line
- The Tangent Line and the Derivative
- The Tangent Line Part 3
- Definition of the Derivative
- Another Derivative
- A Quick Application
- The Units of the Derivative
- What's Geogebra Doing?
- The Monkey Rules
- Monkey Rule 0
- Figuring out the rest of the Monkey Rules
- Monkey Rules 1 and 2
- A Bit More About Monkey Rule 2
- Monkey Rule 3
- Monkey Rule 4
- Monkey Rule 5
- Monkey Rule 6
- Monkey Rule 7
- Monkey Rule 8
- Monkey Rule 8 Part 2
- Monkey Rule Practice
- Another Application
- Application: Maximums and Minimums -- Critical Points
- Application: Maximums and Minimums -- 2nd Derivative Test
- Application: Modeling Traffic In Johnson, Vermont Pt. 1
- Application: Modeling Traffic In Johnson, Vermont Pt. 2
- Application: Modeling User Growth Pt. 1
- Application: Modeling User Growth Pt. 2 -- Concavity
- Absolute Maximums and Minimums of a Function on a Closed Interval
- A Quick Word about Integrals
- Accumulated Effect of a Rate Part 1
- Accumulated Effect of a Rate Part 2
- Accumulated Effect of a Rate Part 3
- Definition of the Integral
- Nuances of the Integral
- Calculating Integrals
- The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
- Visualizing the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
- The Intuitive Proof of The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
- Constants of Integration
- Falling Stuff on Earth
- Finding Antiderivatives -- Lucifer's Rules
- Lucifer's 1st Rule
- Lucifer's 2nd Rule
- Lucifer's 3rd Rule
- Lucifer's 4th and 5th Rules
- Lucifer's Rules Practice