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7 - Logifaces and shading Grades 5 - 8

Grades 5 - 8 Duration: 2 X 45 min Tools: one Logifaces set / person Individual work Keywords: Visual display of things seen, Direct visual observation, Spatial representation 

Logifaces and shading


ART/ The characteristics of art tools and visual impact

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________DESCRIPTION LESSON 1 The students assemble a composition from Logifaces blocks. Then as the first step they draw a line sketch of the composition focusing on forms, relationships and proportions. LESSON 2 They depict their piece of work with a strong side light, so that it projects intense shadows. They draw the compositions and its shadows in pencil. The students should observe how light creates different tones and how the drawing becomes 3D due to the shadows.


Pick a black pencil and try to create as many shades as you can from lightest to darkest. How many shades could you create?

Shading techniques

assignment interactive Classroom activity logifaces