Sachem Professional Development

Daily Number Sense Games
Middle School Resources
Algebra I
- Morphing Parallelograms (Exploring Properties of Different Parallelograms)
- Triangle Angle Sum Exploration
- Definitions for Geometric Proofs
- Mark the Diagram: Midpoint
- Mark the Diagram: Segment Bisector
- Mark the Diagram: Perpendicular Lines
- Mark the Diagram: Perpendicular Lines 2
- Perpendicular Bisector Regents Question
- Parallelogram Construction
- Open Middle: Triangle Inequality Theorem
- Deriving the Pythagorean Theorem
- Isosceles (Line of Reflection)
- Rotational Symmetry
- Angle Of Rotation Demonstration
- Exploring the Circumference of a Circle
- Parts of the Circle
- Estimating the Circumference
- Rotations
- Reflections
- Translations
- Angle_1
- Angle_2
- Angle_3
- Angle_4
- Applet Creation: Proving Theorems about Triangles and their Angles
Euclidean Golf (Rigid Motions: Discovering Formulas)
GeoTetris (Sequences of Rigid Motions)
GeoGebra Authors
Applet Creation Tutorials