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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

3 in 1. Constructing, surface triangulation, visualizing polyhedron. New Version.

a. Construction the coordinates for Convex Polyhedra

For a given number of n particles on the sphere, their extreme distribution is found. The maximum sum of distances is found by the method of Lagrange multipliers. Carry out the calculations: 1. Set→n: Number of points on the sphere. 2. →Click Input: Initial settings. 3. →Click Start: ☞ 4. After an automatic stop, the message "Animation" changes to "Stop". →Click “Pass a to b

b. Triangulation of polyhedral surfaces

This applet sorts and finds the vertices, surface segments, faces, and volume of the polyhedron and its dual image. Carry out calculations first for 1. Polyhedron and then for its 2. Dual Polyhedron. After that →“Pass b to c

c. Coloring the edges and faces of a polyhedron and its dual image

In this section, elements of the polyhedron and its dual image are visualized and colored.