Google Classroom
GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Tips and tricks for algebraic input

Confirm an expression

Always confirm the expression you entered into the Input Bar by pressing Enter.

Name a new object

Insert a name in front of an algebraic representation to define a specific name for a new object. Example:  creates point P.

Indicate multiplication

Multiplication needs to be entered using an asterisk or space between the factors. Example: Type in either or to indicate multiplication.

Upper and lower case letters

GeoGebra is case sensitive! Thus, upper and lower case letters must not be mixed up. Note:
  • Points are always named with upper case letters. Example: 
  • Vectors are named with lower case letters. Example: 
  • Segments, lines, circles, functions... are always named with lower case letters. Example: circle 
  • The variable x within a function and the variables x and y in the equation of a conic section always need to be lower case. Example: 

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Use an object within an algebraic expression

If you want to use an object within an algebraic expression or command you need to create the object prior to using its name in the Input Bar. Note: However, if you use new parameters within an algebraic input, GeoGebra will automatically create the corresponding sliders after pressing the Enter key. Examples:
  • The input creates a line whose parameters are the values m and b (e.g. numbers / sliders). Note: If the parameters m and b do not exist yet, GeoGebra will automatically create sliders for you after pressing Enter.
  • The input creates a line through existing points A and B.

Error messages

Always read the error messages – they could help you to fix the problem!