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Basketball 3D的副本

Basic operation Click “New Trial” to position the shooter (the shooter will be placed randomly on the half-field). Through the sliders adjust the parameters “” (horizontal direction), “” (vertical inclination) and “‍v0‍” to direct the shoot to the basket. Alternatively, in training mode, you can use the buttons to automatically set the parameters: "set ": will set the right horizontal direction "set ": will set the right vertical slope of the shoot (given the actual value of v0‍) "set v0‍" : will set the right speed of the shoot (given the actual value of ).   Click “Shoot” to start the animation. See the result and repeat the operation, In game mode a countdown timer will be started so that different player can compare their score (in the set time). A good player will be rather quick in finding the right parameters at each new trial, so having the opportunity to make many shots before the time expires. Yet he must not be too hasty to loose accuracy in adjusting the trajectory parameters and have many failing shots. The right compromise between quickness and accuracy will produce the highest scores. (In game mode the aids provided by the automatic settings of the parameters should be ignored). Note: given complexity of the simulation it's advisable to download the .ggb file and run it through the Geogebra desktop program. The web app may be rather slow and jerky. Here's a short demo video on youtube:


Thanks to Juan Carlos Ponce Campuzano, mrahikka, Mat4U and Patrick Clément for their suggestion in improving the applet in this forum discussion
基本操作 单击“新建试用版”定位射手(射手将随机放置在半场地上)。 通过滑块调整参数“”(水平方向)、“”(垂直倾斜)和“‍版本0‍” 将投篮指向篮筐。 或者,在训练模式下,您可以使用按钮自动设置参数: “设置”:将设置右侧水平方向 “set”:将设置拍摄的右侧垂直坡度(给定v0的实际值‍) “设置v0‍“:将设置正确的拍摄速度(给定的实际值)。 单击“拍摄”开始动画。 查看结果并重复操作, 在游戏模式下,将启动倒计时计时器,以便不同的玩家可以比较他们的分数(在设定的时间内)。 一个好的球员在每次新的试训中都会很快找到正确的参数,因此有机会在时间到期前多次射门。 然而,他在调整轨迹参数时不能过于草率,不能失去准确性,而且有很多失败的射门。 快速性和准确性之间的正确折衷将产生最高的分数。 (在游戏模式下,应忽略参数自动设置提供的辅助功能)。 注意:考虑到模拟的复杂性,建议下载.ggb文件并通过Geogebra桌面程序运行它。网络应用程序可能相当缓慢和不稳定。