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GeoGebra Classroom
Google Classroom
GeoGebra Classroom
Proof without word
Proof without word: Area of an Arbelos
Proof without word: Area of a regular dodecagon
Lunes aorund a square (2)
Proof without word: r +r(1-r) + r(1-r)² +.....=?
Proof without word: serie of1/2
Proof without word : Pythagore
Path on half circle or on n half circles?
Proof without words: 1/4 +(1/4)² +.... = ?
Proof without words: 1/x and ln
Pythagora's puzzle
cos²x +sin²x =1 (Pythagora in the unit circle)
Area of the parallelogram
Pythagora by water
Proof without words: Integral of sin(x) between 0 and pi/2
Cosine and sine subtraction formulas
Cosine and sine addition formulas
Haga's Theorem
Sum of interior angles of a polygon
Arithmetic mean vs geometric mean (proof without word)
sin(a+b)= sina cosb+ sinb cosa (addition formula)
Sum of 7 consecutive intergers
The derivative of ln(x) is ........
Sine and cosine are out of phase by 90 °
Proof without words: Mid segments in a triangle
Proof without words : relationship two between arctan
Proof without words: Relationship between arctan
Proof without words : Steiner'ellipse of a triangle
Proof without words: Median to hypotenuse
Proof without words: the derivative of the cosine function
Proof without words : the derivative of sinus function
Area of the circle by the triangle or the rectangle
Proof without words : Metric relations (2)
Proof wihout words : metric relation (1)
Proof without words : Area of a parallelogramm
Proof without words : Sum of the first n integer numbers
Proof without words : Sum of alternate squares
Proof without word : x²+ax= (x+a/2)²-(a/2)²
Proof without word 4ab = (a+b)²-(a-b)²
Relation between pentagonal and triangular numbers
Proof without word : Sum of the odd numbers
Catenary vs Parabola
Proof without words: Odd number and squared numbres
Proof without words: Intersecting chords theorem
Proof without words: Law of cosinus
Proof without words: Tangent theoreme
Proof in a few words: metric relationships
The sum of the angles of a quadrilateral
Proof without words : Sum of external angles of a polygon
Law of cosine in visual
Pythagore with regular polygons
Proof without words with Fibonacci numbers
Proof without words: Viviani theorem by the areas of the triangle
Proof without words (or very few words): volume of the sphere
Proof without words : 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 +..... = 1
Proof without words : Area of a parallelogram
Proof without words : Area of the triangle
Proof without words : Sum of the square
Proof without words: The third power sum
Area of regular polygons
Proof without words : difference a^3 - b^3
Proof without words: volume of a pyramide
Proof without words :Sum of the cube
Proof without word: arithmetic sequences
(a + b +c )²
(a +b) (a -b)
(a - b)²
(a+b)² Remarkable identity (I)
Smilog: properties of the logarithms (1)
Area of a triangle (acute or obtuse)
Puzzle for the unit cube
Law of cosine : proof without words
Unwinding the Theodorus spiral
Area of the cycloid by Mamikon
Area and perimeter of a triangle
Serie of cubes
Pythagore: a²+=b²+c² (proofs serie 1)
Pythagora theorem (proofs serie 2)
Proof without word
Daniel Mentrard
Ableitung oder Differentialquotient
Gleichseitige Dreiecke
Allgemeines Viereck
Ganze Zahlen
Gleichschenklige Dreiecke
Seitenhalbierende oder Schwerlinie
Natürliche Zahlen
Polygone und Vierecke
Rhombus oder Raute
Folgen und Reihen
Transformationen oder Abbildungen
Proof without word: Area of an Arbelos
Proof without word: Area of a regular dodecagon
Lunes aorund a square (2)
Proof without word: r +r(1-r) + r(1-r)² +.....=?
Proof without word: serie of1/2
Proof without word : Pythagore
Path on half circle or on n half circles?
Proof without words: 1/4 +(1/4)² +.... = ?
Proof without words: 1/x and ln
Pythagora's puzzle
cos²x +sin²x =1 (Pythagora in the unit circle)
Area of the parallelogram
Pythagora by water
Proof without words: Integral of sin(x) between 0 and pi/2
Cosine and sine subtraction formulas
Cosine and sine addition formulas
Haga's Theorem
Sum of interior angles of a polygon
Arithmetic mean vs geometric mean (proof without word)
sin(a+b)= sina cosb+ sinb cosa (addition formula)
Sum of 7 consecutive intergers
The derivative of ln(x) is ........
Sine and cosine are out of phase by 90 °
Proof without words: Mid segments in a triangle
Proof without words : relationship two between arctan
Proof without words: Relationship between arctan
Proof without words : Steiner'ellipse of a triangle
Proof without words: Median to hypotenuse
Proof without words: the derivative of the cosine function
Proof without words : the derivative of sinus function
Area of the circle by the triangle or the rectangle
Proof without words : Metric relations (2)
Proof wihout words : metric relation (1)
Proof without words : Area of a parallelogramm
Proof without words : Sum of the first n integer numbers
Proof without words : Sum of alternate squares
Proof without word : x²+ax= (x+a/2)²-(a/2)²
Proof without word 4ab = (a+b)²-(a-b)²
Relation between pentagonal and triangular numbers
Proof without word : Sum of the odd numbers
Catenary vs Parabola
Proof without words: Odd number and squared numbres
Proof without words: Intersecting chords theorem
Proof without words: Law of cosinus
Proof without words: Tangent theoreme
Proof in a few words: metric relationships
The sum of the angles of a quadrilateral
Proof without words : Sum of external angles of a polygon
Law of cosine in visual
Pythagore with regular polygons
Proof without words with Fibonacci numbers
Proof without words: Viviani theorem by the areas of the triangle
Proof without words (or very few words): volume of the sphere
Proof without words : 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 +..... = 1
Proof without words : Area of a parallelogram
Proof without words : Area of the triangle
Proof without words : Sum of the square
Proof without words: The third power sum
Area of regular polygons
Proof without words : difference a^3 - b^3
Proof without words: volume of a pyramide
Proof without words :Sum of the cube
Proof without word: arithmetic sequences
(a + b +c )²
(a +b) (a -b)
(a - b)²
(a+b)² Remarkable identity (I)
Smilog: properties of the logarithms (1)
Area of a triangle (acute or obtuse)
Puzzle for the unit cube
Law of cosine : proof without words
Unwinding the Theodorus spiral
Area of the cycloid by Mamikon
Area and perimeter of a triangle
Serie of cubes
Pythagore: a²+=b²+c² (proofs serie 1)
Pythagora theorem (proofs serie 2)
Proof without word: Area of an Arbelos
Neue Materialien
Open Education 2025
גיליון אלקטרוני להעלאת נתוני בעיה ויצירת גרף בהתאם
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Transformations of Triangles and Matrices
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Logik oder Logikrätsel