Google Classroom
GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Raziskovanje linearne neenačbe


Graph a linear inequality  that can be explored using sliders.

Explore the linear inequality...

Try it yourself...


1.Toolbar ImageEnter  into the Algebra Input and press the Enter key.
Hints: You may use the  onscreen keyboard in order to enter the  symbol. GeoGebra will automatically create sliders for the parameters ab, and c.
2.Toolbar ImageUse the Move tool in order to adjust the slider values so that a = 1, b = 1, and c = 3.
3. Change the increment of the sliders to 1.
  • Select number a and open the  Style Bar of the Graphics View. 
  • Open the  Properties of number a and select tab Slider.
  • Set the Increment to 1 and repeat for numbers b and c.
4.Toolbar ImageDrag the background of the Graphics View in order to move the origin to the center.
5.Toolbar ImageZoom out in order to make a bigger part of the coordinate system visible on screen.
6.Set the distance between the marks on the axes to 1.
  • Make sure that no object is selected before you open the  Style Bar of the Graphics View.
  • Open the Properties of the axes.
  • Select tab xAxis and check set the Distance to 1.
  • Repeate on tab yAxis.