Visual Exploration - Nets of Three Solids
Check out the nets of these 3D objects. You can use your mouse to change the angle/view of the 3D objects. Press play to see them unfold into their nets. You can press pause to take a closer look at the properties of the nets. What do you notice about the 3D objects and the way their nets are made?
Net of a Cube
Net of a Square Pyramid
Analyzing the net
When we "unfold" the square based pyramid, what shapes do we see? How many of each?
Based on what you see on the net, in your own words, explain how to determine the surface area of this shape.
Something to watch
There are two different heights in this shape, the height of the prism and then , which is called the slant. Once we have the net, why is another height?
Play with the applet below by either moving the sliders or by clicking on the play button at the bottom left, and answer the questions that follow.
Net of a Triangular Prism
From the Net
Observe the net of this shape carefully. What are the 2D shapes that create the triangular prism? How many of each?
From the formula sheet

Based on your observations from the net of this shape, explain how the formula shown above relates to the net.