Facilitate Self-Directed Learning in Secondary Math
Facilitate Self-Directed Learning using GeoGebra

Tabla de contenidos
Examples of GeoGebra Resources
- Area of Two Rectangles
- Exterior Angles of Polygons
- Errors in Measurement
- Area of Circles
- Volume of Spheres with Proof
- Addition of Directed Numbers - Counters Model
- Subtraction of Directed Numbers - Counters Model
- Addition of Directed Numbers - Elevator Model
- Subtraction of Directed Numbers - Elevator Model
- Quiz on Solving Right Triangles (Combined) 解直角三角形:合併測驗
- Quiz on Special Lines in Triangles 三角形內的特殊線:測驗
Exploring Congruence of Triangles
Drawing Figures and Graphs
Creating Simple GeoGebra Applets