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GeoGebraGeoGebra Klaslokaal

Turing machine one tape

compile code text to TTAB (transition rules as table of quintuples)

Binary addition machine

Code (compare machine version link below) current_state, read_symbol new_state, write_symbol, head direction [< left, > right, - hold, _ underscore for blank cells (display by variable θ)] code view right in Graphics 2 Compile code to TTAB (table of quintuples) Each tab line (element of ggb list of list ~ matrix) should contain a tuple of {"current state","read symbol","write symbol","head direction","new state"} or copy/write to TTAB and cmdStart lists with structure TTAB={{"actual state","read","write","move","new state"},...,{.....},{"done"}} cmdStart={"name:...", "state to start with", "done"} For better readabilty "_" (interpreted as sub) replaced by ".." in table display Turing Machines Die Version 6.x entfernt beim Einfügen von Text (code) aus der Ablage alle Zeilenumbrüche. Aktuell kann nur mit 5.x der code Text direkt durch Einfügen aus der Ablage ausgetauscht werden. Habe eine Inputbox für code angelegt [ √ ]EditCode: die Zeilenumbrüche bleiben codiert erhalten Zeilenumbruch-Codierung: \\n - Ein Programm kann durch Einfügen in die TextBox als code eingetragen werden (hoffentlich?).

code tab of binary addition

display TTAB any Input

code tab of binary multiplication

display Example (5 tuple table) any input