"Rative Compartive" (Linear and Tables)
7.2: Rising Water LevelsMove the green circle to set the starting level of water to a value you or your teacher choose.

- What is the volume, V, in the cylinder after you add:
- 3 objects?
- 7 objects?
- x objects? Explain your reasoning.
- If you wanted to make the water reach the highest mark on the cylinder, how many objects would you need?
- Plot and label points that show your measurements from the experiment.
Label Point
Point name
- Plot and label a point that shows the depth of the water before you added any objects.
- The points should fall on a line. Use a ruler to graph this line.
- Compute the slope of the line using several different triangles. Does it matter which triangle you use to compute the slope? Why or why not?
- The equation of the line in the experiment has two numbers and two variables. What physical quantities do the two numbers represent? What does V represent and what does x represent?