1. Using the definition of kinetic energy and rest energy, how many times greater is the rest energy of a 1300 kg automobile than its kinetic energy while traveling at 40 m/s down the freeway? 2. Under what circumstances is it bad to describe kinetic energy as 3. As a ball falls under the influence of gravity, does gravity do positive work or negative work? 4. Set up the preceding problem as a path integral (with two vectors under the integral with a dot product), and evaluate it showing all steps. Assume the ball falls from height to where 5. As I carry a box up a flight of stairs, am I doing positive work or negative work on the box? 6. In the previous problem, assume the path up the stairs can be described by y=0.5x. Set up the work described as a path integral and solve for the work that I do in lifting the box starting at the origin and ending 12.0m horizontally displaced from the starting point. Assume the box's mass is 10kg. 7. As a box is lifted against gravity and placed on a shelf, how does the work done by the lifter compare with the work done by gravity? What is the net work done on the box? What does this imply about its change in kinetic energy? 8. A horizontal force of 100 N pushes against a shopping cart that is initially at rest. Over what distance must this force act in order for the 40 kg shopping cart to reach a speed of 2.5 m/s? 9. How does the previous answer change if there is a friction force of 20N that opposes the 100 N force? 10. What power is required (at the wheels) for a 1400 kg automobile to climb a 4% grade at a constant speed 30 m/s while it is opposed by drag and rolling resistance forces totaling 500 N? Ignore bearing resistance. 11. If the car in the previous problem increases its power output by 10% (by pressing the gas pedal farther down), at what rate will the car accelerate? Hint: Consider the net force. 12. What is the angle between two unit vectors if their dot product is 0.5? 13. Given and , what is the scalar projection of on The scalar projection gives the component of the force vector directed along the displacement vector's direction. 14. What relative orientation between two vectors leads to a maximum value for the dot product? Minimum? Zero? 15. Given a vector field that represents the force of the wind on a sailboat, what is the work done by the wind on a boat traveling along a path defined by from a position (1,1) to a position (5,25)? Assume positions are given in kilometers and that force is in newtons. Note: To make units easy, a newton times a meter is a joule. A newton times a kilometer is a kilojoule (kJ). But F returns newtons. 16. What fuel economy should be expected from a gasoline powered car with the following parameters: mass=1000kg, frontal area=2.0m2 , cd=0.25, crr0=0.01, crr1=0.00015, cb=0 if it is traveling at 70mph?  Assume a 30% thermodynamic efficiency. Hint: Go back to the chapter on dynamics with variable forces if you don't remember the rolling resistance or drag equations. 17. What would its MPGe be running on an electric motor, if you pay 15 cents per kilowatt-hour to charge it?  Assume the price of gasoline is $2.79/gallon.


1. 1.125x1014 times greater. 2. When v is within 10% speed of light. 3. Positive work 4. where is negative. 5. positive work 6. 600 J 7. equal magnitude but opposite signs; zero; zero 8. 1.25m 9. 1.56m 10. 31.8kW 11. 0.076 m/s2 12. 60 degrees 13. 15.7 N. 14. Parallel, anti-parallel, perpendicular 15. 3.77 MJ 16. 50.5mpg 17. 93.9mpge