Google Classroom
GeoGebraGeoGebra Ders

Coordinate rectangle

Investigating the properties of a paralleogram using coordinates, diagonals and slopes.

To make it into a rectangle, a square and a rhombus.

Use only points A, B, or C to move the parallelogram

1.) Check the slopes of opposite pairs of sides using coordinates of points and the slope equation.

How do the slopes compare?

2.) Now measure using the slope tool.

How do they compare?

3.) Now make this into a square and a rectangle.

How did you accomplish this? What proof do you have?

4.) Now that it is a rectangle or square measure all the side lengths and slopes

How do the slopes of adjacent side compare? What does this mean about the angles in the corners? Measure them. How do side lengths compare for square and rectangles?

5.) Measure the diagonals of the square and the rectangle.

How do they compare? Are they different?

6.) Now make this figure into a rhombus. Verify by measuring all of the sides.

What makes your figure a rhombus? Be specific.