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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Manipulating equations


Use the GeoGebra CAS View to manipulate and solve an equation step by step. Confirm your solution by displaying the equation in the Graphics View and by using the Solve tool.


1.Enter the following linear equation into the Input Bar: Hint: You might want to put the numerator (2x-1) into parentheses before you divide by 2 to keep the entire expression in the numerator of the fraction.
2.Confirm your input using the Enter key.
3.$1Enter $1 into the Input Bar to refer to the last output in this new row. Hint: 1 refers here to row 1. Note: You can also directly insert one of the last outputs when clicking it.
4.*2Enter *2 next to the $1 and press the Enter key. Note: Your entire equation is multiplied by 2.
5.$2+6Enter $2 to insert the last output and add +6 before pressing Enter.
6.$3-2xEnter $3 to insert the last output and subtract 2x from the entire equation.
7.$4/2 Enter $4 to insert the last output and divide the equation by 2 to get the solution.
8.Activate the disabled Visibility button below row number 1 to display the equation in the Graphics View.
9.#1Check your solution by entering #1 into the Input Bar. Do not press the Enter key this time! Note: #1 refers to the output of row 1, your initial equation.
10.Toolbar ImageApply the Solve tool to your last input to immediately solve the equation.

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