Kufic callygraphic writing
Kufic callygraphy
Next to geometric patterns an flower patterns sometimes walls are decorated with calligraphy. Popular is the so-called square Kufic script gebruikt, named after the city of Kufa in the south of Iraq. This way of writing isn't limited to architecture.
you find more about it on this Wikipedia page or Arabic calligraphy.
Very interesting too is the site http://www.kufic.info/default.htm.
This last site explains the principles of the kufic script.
Calligraphy in kufic is often created within a grid, often a square with an odd number of rows and colums. Text is written so that empty space is avoided. Herefore letter can be extended. Longer text can be written as a spiral to the center. This makes them difficult to read, but that's not important in kufic calligraphy.

An illustration of such a spiral can be found on a mausoleum of de Shah-i-Zinda cemetry in Samarkand from 1361. The text is the compete surah 112.
The verses of the surah are written as a spiral so that the whole surah matches the surface of the square. Between two filled cells in the grid there's never more than one empty cell.
Say, “He is God, the One.
God, the Absolute.
He begets not, nor was He begotten.
And there is none comparable to Him.”
Qul huwa Allahu ahad
Allahu assamad
Lam yalid walam yoelad
Walam yakun lahu kufuwan ahad

square kufic script for laymen
What can be recognised in squarekufic writing by layman are the names of Allah and Muhammad.
But even in them small adaptations are possible when writing them within longer texts.
On their own you can easily recognise them.

Virtuozo calligraphy
A virtuoso example of square kufic is to be found on the Mir Chaqmaq mosque in Jazd (Iran).
Within the caligraphic lines of the names of Allah and Muhammad a second calligraphy is written. In the name of Allah you can find the complete text of surah 1 and in the name of Muhammad you can find the names of the 12 imams.

On the Friday mosque of Isfahan within a square lines are drawn creating a smaller square and four kites.
In these sqare and kites the desiger wrotes a text, refering to Ali, while the thick lines are filled with a geometric pattern:
Writing ones name as a tag within a loner text is not unusual.
(lower left) | When our crimes were listed out |
(upper left ) | Taken with and weighted on the balance of the deeds |
(upper right) | Our guilt was the heaviest of all, but |
(lower right) | Forgiveness was given to us thanks to the love of Ali. |
(middle) | Created by Mohammad Hossein ibn Mohammad Ghawami |