
- Domain and Range of Functions
- Domain & Range: Illustrated
- Vertical line test
- Vertical Line Test
- Vertical line test
- Copie de Vertical line test
- Vertical & Horizontal Line Test
- Horizontal line test
- Non-bijective functions and inverses
- Inverse functions
- Inverse Trig Functions: Intuitive Explorations
- Inverse Function
- Inverse Functions
- Inverse Trig Functions
- Graph the Line
- Make a Linear Function
- Graph of Linear function
- Quadratic Functions: Investigation
- The 3 forms of Quadratic functions
- Quadratic function-graph 1
- Shifts of quadratic Functions
- Completed square form of quadratic functions
- Cubic Coefficients
- General Cubic Function
- Graph Cubic Functions Using a Table of Values
- graph of a cubic function in different forms
- Behavior of Cubic Functions
- Quick Intercepts Illustrator
- Zeros of Polynomial Functions Solver
- Sketching Polynomials
- Multiplicity of Zeros of Polynomial Functions
- Graphing Exponential Functions
- Graphing Exponential Functions
- Function Transformations
- Function Transformations
- Transformations of functions
- Completing the Square
- Quiz: Completing the Square (1)
- Completing the Square Practice
- Coronavirus 2020: exponential growth
- Corona virus 1 02 2020
- Corona virus 29 01 2020
- Simple virus spreading model
- SIR model covid 19
- Simple SIR Model (based on Ben Sparks' “SIR Model”)
- Coronavirus Brazil
- US Cases and Deaths of Covid-19 Since 3/15/2020
- Flatten the curve (SIR model & social distancing)
- Exponential Growth: Bacteria Dividing
- Coronavirus 2020: exponential growth
- Pythagoras's Theorem
- Radians
- Radian Illustrator
- Radians in Unit Circle
- DEG to RAD and RAD to DEG Illustrator
- The Unit Circle
- Unit Circle - Tan Graph
- Sine rule - ambiguous case
- Cosine Rule - find an angle
- Cosine Rule - find a side
- Area of Sectors (Radians)
- Graphing Sine & Cosine Functions (I)
- Triangle Paradox (Missing square puzzle)