What is Rigid?
What is Rigid?
Your teacher will give you three pictures. Each shows a different set of dance moves.
Turning or rotating the figure around a point. Figure A is rotated around the bottom vertex to create Figure C. 
- Setting the Stage
- 1.1: Which One Doesn’t Belong: Diagrams
- 1.2: Triangle Square Dance
- Are You Ready For More?
- Summary
- Describe a translation, rotation, or reflection in the plane in one’s own words.
- Demonstrating that I can describe how a figure moves and turns to get from one position to another.
- Arrange the three pictures so one of you can see them right way up. Choose who will start the game.
- The starting player chooses one of the three applets below and describes the dance to the other player.
- The other player identifies which dance is being talked about: A, B, or C.
- After one round, trade roles. When you have described all three dances, come to an agreement on the words you use to describe the moves in each dance.
- With your partner, write a description of the moves in each dance.
- Pick a dance and describe in words one of these reversed dances.
- How do the directions for running your dance in the forward direction and the reverse direction compare?